Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My tutor and lovely escort

Remember that I told you he is a smart guy? We share too much, I know about him slowly. We talked about everything! Sometimes we discuss about movie. colombiana, the international, and many more. He know about horror movie too. I think he collects them -_- he knows shutter! I was shocking at that time haha. It’s a Thailand movie. the one and only horror movie I ever watched. And I don’t want more.

Selain bicarain film, kita bicara juga tentang kuliah gw, kuliah dia, dia juga ambil pekerjaan menangani bidang software. Dia juga tutorin orang, whenever friends need his help. Ohiya dia ada kelas sampe jam 10 pagi, setelah itu lanjut kerja, keren banget deh, dewasa gitu, ah :’)

“done with your work?”
“almost out. Just sitting here testing some code”
“code for your project”
“yap, code for project”

Tadi nya gw mau ketawa :’3 tapi gw tahan. Kode nya di Indonesia kan beda :’) bhahaha kalo udah ada orang yang ngomongin kode pasti didepan nya pake hashtag (#kode) gitu kannnn :’) ah dasar anak jaman sekarang haha

Ohiya, dia mau ada test hari kamis besok, doain ya tuips semoga dia lancar :/

“test coming up :(“
“good luck! I know you can pass the test very well”
“hehe I will make you proud :) its tough class though x.x”
“ah great :) but I trust you can get a best mark”
“hehe thanks :) ill show you my grade after I take test”

Tuhkan dari cara ngomongnya aja udah keliatan ini orang pasti pinter banget. Pede gitu mau liatin hasil nilainya ke gw. Ya ampun im very lucky :’)

Intinya gw mau bilang, banyak yang kita bicarain, tapi isinya gak ada yang dumb stuff. How lucky I am

Terus dia nanya gw ambil kelas apa aja. Untuk semester dua ini ada organic chemistry, tech bioprocess, thermodynamic, banyak sampe gw lupa. Terus dia bilang gini (gw makin yakin dia pinter keterlaluan)

“ah nice, I never took a chemistry class. They put me in physics instead”
“you are master in physics? :) I should learn from you”
“I took 3 years of physics :p I can teach you math haha”
"I wanna be ur student o:) teach me :) but its freeee haha"
"Haha i may want some in return :p kidding"
"Ok, anything you want :p"
"what math are you planning to take next?"

karena gw belum masuk kelas matematika, jadi ini perkiraan gw aja

"just around the integral, differential, sin cos tan, for technician"
"hehe so you know those huh? thats good! my baby is smart.. i like it :p"

padahal gw cuma bilang itukan pelajaran emang wajib setiap anak indonesia pasti belajar itu :))) tapi dia kaget gw belajar itu? padahal mah ._____.

"i learn about that, you are smart too"
"no that smart haha but im ok :)"
"well, i like you more, day by day haha"
"you know what, i do too :) i dont know whats gonna happen if we keep up like this haha. all i know is we happy"
"really? happy to hear that. so, keep in touch ;)"
"haha you too"
"i will"

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