Monday, December 23, 2013

Milli & Nathan.

Milli & Nathan, bisa dibilang film ter-SMA banget menurut gw sama Indra.
Film nya sedih. Lawas sih. Tapi cerita nya seru, sampe sekarang.
Jujur deh nih, sebelum Indra mention gw di twitter, gw liat-liat Instagram nya Olivia Jensen, terus ada yang komen, “livvvvv kangen Milli sama Nathan”
Saat itu gw jadi kangen Indra :(
Eh tiba-tiba kebetulan banget. Emang jodoh kita In kalo masalah Milli sama Nathan, ckck.
Film itu kenangan banget ya!
Kelas 3 SMA, bingung setelah lulus mau gimana. Film nya gw banget (dulu). Bandung-SMA-kamu-kuliah-jarak.
Mulai sedihnya tuh pas Milli Nathan udah gak satu kota, huhu, padahal SMA mereka bareng mulu. Pacarannya sambil belajar juga. Kaya kita dulu Rif -_-
Terus Nathan muncul lagi ketika mereka mulai dewasa. Nathan, iya Nathan. Masih Nathan yang kebayang sama Milli. Walau Milli saat itu udah punya pacar. Tapi ternyata, emang masih Nathan. Terus ceritanya mulai sedih, lagi. Nathan menghilang lagi. “kamu tuh gak jelas. Kamu terlalu abu-abu buat aku.”- Milli.

Nathan. Datang pergi seenaknya. Kasian Milli. Tapi, ending nya keren banget loh! Huhuhu.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Another sketch of mind

The joy of liking people is to like them and find things that make you like them more. To wonder if actually, by any reason, they secretly like you as much if not more. Then love happens, with all of its vagueness, making things much more complicated than you want it to be. -kak Trisca
i think it's the perfect time to see another sketch of mind. Now that i think of it.
i'd rather be hated for who i am, not to be loved for who i am not. This is me.
The fact is, i'm not covering myself sometimes.
So guys, can you judge me as a bad person just because i'm not ready for being istiqomah all the time?
This is me. showing my hair when go outside. taking pictures without veil and posting them. i know, i know, how to dress as a moeslam. but with your attitude mocking and yelling at me, thats worst :-)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What do i do when i'm home

so guys, how was your day? im going to tell you unimportant thing. last thursday, i went home.
(in the middle of this super hectic week, and i went home..) good job, beauty.
bukan nya mau keluar dari tanggung jawab, tapi gw kangen ade gw sob, and thats the reason
anyways, thanks a lot Dad for this London stuffs. you know me so well. he doesnt even know that i love London, he gave me kind of London stuffs like key chain, pencil case, and else. i also decorated my room with everything about London, the pictures in frame, the flag, and peoples.

lets talk about home--
di rumah, gw bisa masak apa aja dengan asal-asalan. gw bisa masakin ade gw. gw bisa minum susu pake es batu. gw bisa shower an pake air anget. dan gw bisa nonton kartun favorite, oggy, gumbal, finn. those characters i love the most.
ceritanya semalem gw buka-buka lemari yang isi nya buku. oh, lagi-lagi gw sadar kalo dulu gw sangat suka baca. di situ juga ada buku catatan les gw. ya ampun sangat warna-warni, rapih, dan tulisan gw bagus. serius. bagus. sekarang? :') mba sella (aslab) bilang doi paling inget tulisan gw karena tulisan gw paling berantakan. makaseh banyaks.
ohiya! ada buku tahunan SMA ngakak banget coy foto wali kelas gw huahahaha sumpah bikin kangen ibu Endah. halo ibu. ibu, lucuuuuu.di sana juga ada sekumpulan surat cinta, foto, puisi, haha dan, debu.

beralih ke lemari lainnya, ada pernak-pernik yang dulu gw suka pake jaman SMP, SMA -_- ada parfume yang kalo gw semprot sekarang bakal bawa kenangan di SMP. ini parfume gw SMP banget. ada beberapa pulpen yang gak nyata. dan, debu.

kesimpulan nya, ada debu dimana-mana.

ohiya sekarang gw nulis hati-hati, soalnya blog gw di baca dunia. udah kesebar sampai mancanegara. halooo Dias, Rodi, pembaca setia blog gw :) halo Satria yang baru bergabung, welcome to the club :))

Monday, November 25, 2013

You deserve better

Friends, I wanna share something. No offense.

Cerita berawal dari pagi ini. Kuliah, dan ternyata dengerin orang persentasi. Sebenernya, aku paling gak antusias sama dosen yang suka ngasih tambahan nilai tapi lewat persentasi “materi”. Sudahlah. Skip saja.

Jadi begini, aku dan Jurin, entah awal nya bagaimana, tapi akhirnya kami jadi berdiskusi sendiri. Ha-ha-ha. Aku cerita kalo aku sebenernya menyayangkan dengan apa yang terjadi dengan aku sekarang. Aku bilang, aku gak percaya dengan orang yang dulu nya deket banget sama aku, tapi sekarang orang itu adalah orang yang paling jauh, jauh, jauh banget. Aku juga cerita kalo aku sebenernya worry sama ini, “mau sampai kapan?”

Usaha ku pernah dianggap nol. Sedih banget haha. Mulai dari saat itu, aku udah gak mau yang namanya “mulai duluan”. Aku capek. Jadi Citra yang dulu. Citra yang apa-apa kalo ada masalah harus Citra yang mulai duluan untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu. Citra yang nyamperin dan bilang “lo ada masalah apa sama gw? Kita ada masalah apa?” cukup. Itu capek. Kenapa, kenapa harus aku gitu yang duluan?

Jurin Cuma bilang, “cit, untuk sekarang ini, kamu jalanin apa yang ada sekarang. Kamu pertahanin apa yang pantas kamu pertahanin. Buat apa kamu pertahanin orang yang jelas-jelas dia sendiri gak mempertahanin kita?”


Iya. Benar. Selama ini aku selalu mempertahanin orang, tanpa aku tau sendiri orang itu sebenernya mencoba mempertahankan kita apa tidak. Aku gak pernah liat usaha orang itu untuk mertahanin aku. Yang ada selama ini malah usaha aku dibuat nol besar sama dia. Terlanjur menyakitkan, sih. :)

Hei, this smile is for you.

Aku gak mau nyelesein masalah ini. Cukup itu Citra yang dulu aja. Citra yang sekarang mungkin lebih egois. Tapi, ini bukan egois namanya, ini realistis. Aku capek. Aku gak mau mertahanin kata kita lagi.

Untuk kamu, yang dulu nya jadi sahabat yang paling deket, paling ngerti, dan aku sayang.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How To Speak in British Accent (source by google)

Trying to speak in a British accent is not really easy. Along with the accent are mannerisms that go along with the British themselves. There are hundreds of different accents within Britain, so categorizing it as a ‘British’ accent is rather incorrect; wherever you go you will find an unbelievable variety of different pronunciations. The following directions describe ‘Queen’s English’, rarely ever used in modern day Britain, but the foreigners stereotypical view of how the British talk.
Understand that all British accents (barring those from the West Country, Liverpool and parts of Scotland) lack a rhotic r; i.e. don’t roll your "r"s and that not all British Accents are the same; a Scottish accent varies greatly from an English accent, but are both British.
Know that some British accents may be that the ‘T’s are not pronounced and that the u in stupid and duty is pronounced with the y sound, not oo as in an American accent; thus it is pronounced stewpid, not stoopid, etc. The standard English accent, the a (for example in father) is pronounced aah, not like a like apple.
Pronounce that T as T, and not an American D. (Duty is pronounced Dyuty or condensed slightly to Jooty; not doody).
Pronounce the suffix -ing with the g, so it sounds like -ing rather than -een. But sometimes it is shortened to in as in lookin.
Applying the two steps above, the words human being are pronounced h-yuman being rather than yooman been.
Sometimes ‘T’s aren’t pronounced at all, especially in words with two ‘T’s grouped together (this is known as the glottal stop, and is common in American English pronunciation).
Sometimes the ‘H’ is not pronounced, in some accents.
Realise that some words require the ee sound to be pronounced as ee, such as in the word been. In an American accent, this is often pronounced bin. In an English Accent, this may be pronounced been, a homophone of bean; or just as "bin", depending on where you go.
Stop using all of your American slang and replace it with British slang. Understand British Terms.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Words can't desribe

hey yoooo this is us, come back.. i know i know, you already missed our story, right?
we are still connecting, although sometimes skype, ym, are messed, uh. bad! but we can go on email to inform each other. hoyeeee :))
it's been a long, long way of saying hello, of saying good night or morning, of saying hows work, hows school. work is good for him. getting better actually. he recently got new position. and he said, "ya i got more responsibility" 
we just do, what we can do right now, to keep in touch.
"i've always been here. it's been up to you whether you want to talk or not." he said with a giggle.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


“… yang menyakitkan bukan perpisahan, tapi kenangan yang tiba-tiba muncul ke permukaan.”
“iya… iya… udah. Apa lagi?”
“ah. Cukup. Basi.”
“yaudah di ingetin. Jangan sampe terulang. Kan tau sekarang gimana keadaannya.”
“makanya gak usah bawa-bawa perasaan”
“atau, bohong sama perasaan?”
“… menurut mu?”
“I’m okay, cheers”
"you have to act like you don't care at all. maybe it's better"
"membesarkan gelak tawa. menebar riuh, beradu riang, dan menganggap semuanya akan baik-baik saja, biar sajalah seperti itu."

Penat amat, yah. Bingung mau gimana. Gak mau cengeng, banci. Siapa? Siapa yang curhat? Enggak. Entah kenapa semua berjalan sangat datar. Bangun, ngaca, dan datar. Biasa aja.

Everyone has their own hiding place, and mine is something i’m going to tell you about. I never realized it until i found out how hard it is to hide with this kind of society i’m living between. I’m always one click away from people, and i can never really be unreachable.

People seem to like how easy it is nowadays to keep in touch. Because i cannot find a place to hide, i create one. My hiding place is nowhere but inside my head. I hide inside my own thoughts. I enjoyed the fact that no one can really know what’s inside my head without my permission. As long as i remain silent, as long as i don’t tell them what’s going on there. It’s a total mess inside, but those messes are the mess that i enjoy being with.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Late chitchat night with friends

kemarin, yap kemarin. malam minggu. padahal senin nya UTS. disaat lainnya belajar, saya, abrar, ninda karaokean jam 12malam :)) itu bukan pengalihan isu untuk gak belajar. kami sudah belajar. dan jenuh. akhirnya ya main. ternyata, teriak-teriak itu seru. ngilangin setres dan penat. dan, belajar bareng mereka juga seru. terimakasih ya.

well, gak 100% kita belajar. kebanyakan ngobrol dan berujung curhat. alam semesta pun ikut jadi perbincangan kami. dunia setelah kita meninggal. dan, dunia khayal kita sekarang. surga, neraka, serta kehidupan kekal.

pagi nya, Chemical Engineering English Club (CEEC) ada acara goes to school. alhamdulillah berjalan lancar. ade-ade nya lucu dan aktif. suka banget!

satu hal yang menarik perhatian saya, (balik lagi ke abrar dan ninda) perbincangan kita mengenai "masa lalu". pasti pernah kan kalian ngerasain sayang sama orang, yang sebelumnya gak pernah ada masalah tiba-tiba jadi sering berantem gara-gara,,,, jarak. haha. gila. memang. jadi ya, sebenernya kalian gak perlu ada marah-marah, kalian cuma butuh ketemu. udah. untuk buang rindu. oeks banget saya ngomongnya haha. kalian cape karena berantem tiap hari nya, akhirnya memutuskan untuk pisah walau kedua nya masih sama-sama sayang. itusih yang saya tangkep dari perbincangan kita semalem. padahal saya yakin, mereka cuma butuh bertemu. semenit. untuk melepas kegelisahan, semuanya.

dan satu hal lagi, setelah kalian pisah, memutuskan untuk gak berhubungan dulu dan salah satu dari kalian menemukan sosok yang membuat kalian nyaman. dan dia itu berada dekat dengan kalian saat ini, apa yang kalian lakukan? dan aneh nya di pertengahan masa lalu itu kembali hadir pada anda. siapa yang anda pilih? kalau saya sih,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sinopsis: Montase

Aku berharap tak pernah bertemu denganmu.
Supaya aku tak perlu menginginkanmu, memikirkanmu dalam lamunku.
Supaya aku tak mencarimu setiap kali aku rindu.

Supaya aku tak punya alasan untuk mencintaimu.
Dan terpuruk ketika akhirnya kau meninggalkanku.

kalau aku benar-benar tak pernah bertemu denganmu, mungkin aku tak akan pernah tahu seperti apa rasanya berdua saja denganmu.

Menikmati waktu bergulir tanpa terasa.
Aku juga tak mungkin bisa tahu seperti apa rasanya sungguh-sungguh mencintai...
dan dicintai sosok seindah sakura seperti dirimu.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

For a lil update..

it's been a long time, Blog. yeah i know you missed me :) 
sorry to left you there , i know ur craving for attention hehe. Actually Blog, i have nothing to share, awesomeness and awfulness had just passed , and i will not talk about “people” here.

I wanted to dwell in this situation, I feel .. really good, i have no worries , i have no trouble i have no fears.. i feel--save. with my best around me, my surroundings , including my family , my college mates, what a pleasure to have all of you here , with me.

so much i have to learn in life

Nobody's perfect.

but a girl can dream, right?

Everyday , the picture of me--being a successful woman, keeps running in my mind, it wont let go , neither decreases. I hope that's true, that me in that dream is a real me where i'll found next 7 years maybe. 
I am dreaming and wanting to go to Las Vegas . Too high for me? bet not. 

again, a girl can dream

yea i can dream being with someone i love like forever, he'll be there whenever you need him, and even when u dont have time to offer something , he'll love you all the way , he do it all for you.
Can i just dream about that?

i know you are there
and i know ur waiting

and so do i

chill out

moods on

enjoying every air we breathe in


and when my eyes met yours

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jadi, butuh waktu berapa lama?

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya sempat menonton acara golden ways itu jam setengah 3 pagi. Hihi. Sang motivator itu bilang,,,,, ah saya lupa. #abaikan #gakpenting.

So readers, im sorry calling you kepoers. Doesn’t mean calling you like that. Kepoers is so damn powerful to me. Without them, ke-kreativitas-an ku tidak akan terasah. Without them, I don’t have any topic to be written. So here’s a kiss for you, you don’t mind? :p

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gw ngapain sih!? nih kepoers baca aja terus

lilin ini masih menyala terang,
kemarin saat lembayung, belum lagi bulan purnama.

malam menjelang berganti hari,
tiap jejak itu terasa mendekat
bukan dengan ini,
bukan pula dengan berpisah.

menuai mimpi,
memberi harapan pada yang ada.

bukan maksud ku mencuri hati,
namun ingatkah pertama kali?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Dear kepoers, postingan ini untuk kalian.
Dari pada ngomongin kehidupan orang, mending koreksi diri kalian dulu.

Ups, just saying :-)

Kali ini gw nyoba clear in apa yang selama ini kalian pertanyakan.
Lebih baik lo ngomong di depan gw. Jangan gossip
Coba lo pada mikir deh, emang nya diri lo lebih baik? :-)

Haii, iya ini buat lo, lo yang lagi baca sekarang, kepo kan?

Gw heran, kenapa kalian pada kepo sih sama kehidupan gw? Gw mau ini, gw mau itu, siapa yang jalanin? Lo? Seru yah kisah gw?
Sekarang gini aja deh, gw tau siapa-siapa aja yang sok baik. Muna? Engga coy! Gw juga muna! Mana ada sih di kehidupan sekarang ini yang gak muna. Haha.

Ohiya, jadi… kalo lo mau nilai diri orang lain, lo juga harus nilai diri lo dulu, kalo lo mikir dia gak baik atau “oh… ternyata si A gitu ya” berarti diri lo perlu di perbaiki dulu :-)
Emang nya lo tau banget dia? Lo ngerasain apa yang dia rasain sekarang? Jangan sekali kali sok ngasih perhatian di saat lo sama sekali engga. Hoekss anjir.

Sekali lagi, gw minta maaf kalo postingan kali ini kasar, walau menurut gw ini di batas wajar. Mau ngomongin gw lagi? Terserah. Gak menutup kemungkinan kalo lo di omongin juga sama orang lain. So, be aware.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Texty text

Can I tell you something?
Well, yesterday, I tried to be nice and threw my ego but you didn't respect me at all. Is something going wrong so far? I should've known that's not a good idea to message you. I... just want us to be friend. Fine friendship. This is strange. Why I keep talking. But yeah, sorry, haha, I don't know what's wrong with me. It will be an embrace message ever. Thanks anyways, Stranger.

Jadi.... setelah message itu terkirim, sempat ada rasa penyesalan, yap, texty text, ketika pesan itu hendak terbawa angin, pergi, entah bagaimana, tapi aku mencoba meraih, berharap pesan itu tidak pernah terkirim. Karena sudah terlanjur, terbesit rasa ingin ceburin handphone ke aquarium, bener haha ini nyata. Tapi karena ini aneh, jadi cuma menonaktifkan nya saja. Dan terlelap tidur. Sebelum nya saya yakin, "ah bego banget sih! Cit! Yakin deh! Bbm lu cuma di read! atau yang lebih parah, bakalan cuma deliv selamanya! selamanya! udah! ganti hp aja! jangan aktifin BB lagi! Never! Ever!"

Dan betapa terkejutnya saya mendapat balasan dari anda. Cukup baik, cukup manis, cukup positive. Haha. Entahlah. Setidaknya anda membalas. Tapi, saya tidak cukup mengerti, apa maksud dari, "wish you were here. it would change everything."

That words, so mean. Running semester 3, dan semua imajinatif tentang mimpi, harapan, semasa SMA telah lenyap. How lucky I am, cuma mengalami masa sulit itu sewaktu di semester 1. Bulan-bulan pertama emang selalu berat. Tapi aku mampu.


Ada yang masih inget dengan apa yang saya tuliskan di kaos itu? That's so me. Tapi ada yang kamu belum tau. Sebelum ini, saya telah berjalan jauh. Maaf. Tapi, itu yang terjadi. Pada akhirnya, Love wins.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

We can learn from that

Jadi begini,

Kapanpun secara tiba-tiba bisa saja isakan tangis itu pecah. Entah karena memang sebelumnya ia sengaja menahan atau tertahan tanpa ia sadari. Terus menjadi orang yang senang dan tersenyum di depan orang lain. Apa yang ada di benaknya sampai air mata itu menetes ia sendiri pun tak tahu. Ada kalanya ia merasa kosong. Kadang pula ia merasa sangat hampa. Bahkan ada saat-saat ia bersyukur diantara isakan tangisnya. Ketika menangis, ia tahu akan tertawa lagi setelah bangun dari tidurnya. Lupa sejenak akan masalah yang ia tidak sadari keberadaanya. Atau membohongi dirinya sendiri bahwa tidak ada yang salah sama sekali dalam hidupnya.

She wish she could write about him. But what can she say? There's too much to tell. She couldn't decide where to start, what to write. Happiness filled with laughter, pain completed by tears. Even when people think there's no more theirs, She knows somehow they're still connected.

Even though they're no longer together,
Even when she was alone or with someone else, she missed him now and then. 
Even though he was nowhere to be seen, she sees him with her heart.

I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about her. The girl whose named Lola.

Random answer

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car)
Cat Avanza

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Vanilla Bengbeng

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Pink Panther

(I just made that up, haha)

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Nuramelia Jakarta

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
Lia Ci

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The White Coffee

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Johnson's Cupacup (LOL)

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (brothers middle names )
Bagas Bima

Monday, August 26, 2013

Just another movie review

Hello guys, i know i'm kinda boring these days. i just review some movies and books. but believe me, you guys should watch every movie that i tried to re-tell it! none of them are bad.
So now, i'm gonna review some movies again,

10 Years
awal kisah menceritakan sekumpulan sahabat yang akan mengadakan reuni SMA. seru kedengerannya, kan? emang! tapi diawal film agak sedikit so so, awalnya berjalan lambat, dan BOOM ketika ditengah-tengah film! ada kisah si channing tatum yang ngajak pacar nya ke reuni tersebut, pacar yang akan dilamar nya, tapi dia belum punya cukup keberanian untuk ngungkapin itu semua, sampai akhirnya... channing bertemu dengan Mary, mantan nya saat SMA! kemudian ada Reeves yang bertemu lagi dengan gadis yang ia sukai dulu semenjak SMA, tapi Reeves gak pernah mengungkapannya, sampai ia membuat lagu waktu SMA yang sebenarnya lagu itu ditujukan untuk si gadis ini, judulnya "Never Had" di sini scene yang paling romantis saat Reeves menyanyikan lagu itu di depan teman-teman nya dan si gadis. kemudian ada 2 laki-laki lain yang sewaktu SMA mengincar gadis populer, dan ternyata gadis populer itu kini gak se-wah dulu. tapi masing-masing mereka menyadari kalau mereka punya masalah masing-masing.

The proposal
Margaret, seorang atasan yang sangat tidak disukai oleh bawahan nya karena penampilannya yang galak, tegas, dan judes. ia memiliki seorang asisten pribadi bernama Andrew. Andrew yang kalem, lucu, tapi takut sama boss nya itu. film ini komedi romantis. cerita berawal ketika Margaret dideportasi dari Amerika ke tempat asalnya, Kanada. karir nya akan hancur. lalu ia memiliki rencana untuk berpura-pura menikah dengan Andrew untuk menyelamatkan karirnya tersebut. Andrew sebenernya menolak, karna ia benci sekali dengan boss nya. tapi karena Margaret mengancam jika dia di deportasi, maka karir Andrew juga ikut hancur. akhirnya kisah-kisah romantis pun dimulai ketika petualangan mereka ke Alaska mengunjungi orang tua Andrew. intinya sih, film ini harus masuk list kamu. ending nya ditutup sangat cantik.

Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
males review nya karena film ini selalu seru dan lucu, yang lagi bete, bisa nonton ini baik sendiri, maupun sama ade, atau sama temen, karena film ini bisa menyatukan kalian (?) dengan tingkah konyol Greg, Rodrick, dan Rowley

ohiya gw punya tambahan film yang seru, seperti, The Good Doctor, Dude Where's My Car?, Lola Versus, dan kalo ada yang mau tau film nya kaya gimana, bisa email gw (berasa penting) haha thank you.

That's all that i have now :-)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Magical to me

So, here i am listening a poem. 
i don't know exactly when i start to love it. 
poem is so magical to me. i love it so much up until it hurts me so badlllly. 
i love poem by reading or listening it. 
some have the unique words, some are beautiful (of course it is) and.. warming. 
slow-sweet-poem, that's so me, not hard-scream-loud :'(

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

book reader and movie eater

entah sejak kapan ketertarikan gw berpaling dari yang tadi nya "a book reader" menjadi "movie eater". tapi, euphoria gw sama toko buku gra*ed masih sama, toko wajib yang harus gw singgahi setiap ke mall. tapi, beda nya, dulu ketika masih sekolah, um.. since i was in elementary school, buku apa aja gw beli, dan gw selalu SUKA. jaman nya SD gw alay bangetss. ceritanya kan mulai ngerasain yang namanya jatuh cinta *azek azek joss* gw beli tuh novel novel teenlit yang ngerusak otak gw pftt. terus pas jaman nya temen-temen gw mulai puber (dan gw belom) gw beli buku ke-cewe-cewean wkwk judulnya "girls only" by Vic Parker, isinya tuh dulu menurut gw bagus banget :""") tentang menstruasi, pokoknya hal-hal yang perlu diketahui tentang menjadi dewasa. kalo gak ada buku itu, minimlah sudah pengetahuan gw. selanjutnya, pas masuk SMP, ini kayanya gw makin setres dengan pemilihan buku, gw beli "pede aja lagi!!" by Anita Naik. dulu tuh beli buku itu karena  Apa kamu ngerasa nggak bakal ada cowok yang naksir? kan kampret sinopsis nya begitu gw jadi tergugah untuk baca HAHAHAHA. belum lagi pas jaman nya mulai film-film horror kaya jailangkung, kuntilanak, suster n, lawang sewu, sumpah gw koleksi novel nya karena biar gak ketinggalan jaman kalo anak-anak pada cerita film nya. (baca novelnya karena gak berani nonton film nya, shittttttttt). alhasil ketertarikan gw akan bacaan horror merambat ke level yang lebih keren, novel luar, semisal "death du jour" by Kathy Reichs. selanjutnya genre baca gw normal, trilogi twilight, LOTR, trilogi the alchemyst, trilogy hunger games, golden compas (karena tertarik mau punya beruang kutub -_-), chicken soup, dan... banyak.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Universe speak to us in such an unique way.

I always think that universe has its unique way to speak with us. Sometimes just by the coincidence that happens here and there. Coincidence that leads us to our destiny. Yes, destiny. I believe that God had already written things for us, things that we can't change no matter how strong our willing is and how much power we have. Things that not meant to be changed. But God also have this blank paper that wait us to write it down. Maybe we can't choose the color of our eyes when we were born, but we can choose whether we want to change it as we grow older. Maybe we can't choose the family we were born into, but we can choose whether we want to acknowledge them or not.

I remember this particular monologue from a movie 'something borrowed': "Have you ever gone down a road, far down and wondered, maybe it wasn't what you want?"
I'm going this far, I hope I'm in the right path. Really I am. I never felt this worries before. All I was thinking about college, friendship, life, and love, I hope it was totally wrong. One thing that I know it was right is, people may have their own fault, mistake. I mean, nobody can be trusted. But, nobody's perfect too. I feel mad. Always hard running this life since you are still growing day by day. You know what? It's all about love. When you love something, doesn't matter how tired you are, how hurt, how (till this brain can be un-irrational) you will enjoy it! So, I need love. Where's my love? That's the question. Can only 'a spirit' changes 'love'? Can only 'a motivation' changes 'love'?

Friday, August 2, 2013

movie eater

so today im gonna review some movies that i watched this week..
most of all are great, and lets start

first, life happens, starring Krysten Ritter (Kim) and Kate Bosworth (Deena)

suka banget sama akting nya Krysten disini, funny, young, and beautiful as always
berkisah 2 orang sahabat yang tinggal dalam 1 apartement, Kim having a baby from um i dont really know for detail, the point is they keep their friendship ketika mereka memutuskan untuk have-a-date-with-a-guy (for helping Kim, of course) and kebanyakan laki-laki yang dijumpai mereka menghindar ketika tau Kim sudah punya anak. until they found Nicholas (tampan, muda, berbakat -_- apasih haha) dan Henri sahabat Nich yang pada akhirnya with Deena. so far, cerita nya menarik, seru, watch-able, konflik yang di sajikan seru banget ;;)

ok next, friends with kids
two best friends decide to have a child together while keeping their relationship platonic, so they can avoid the toll kids can take on romantic relationships. intinya ini film keren banget deh! mereka berdua awalnya gak ada perasaan apa-apa selain rasa saling mencintai as a bestfriend. konflik dimulai ketika si cewe mulai ngerasain hal aneh terhadap dirinya dan bbam! she loves him. penyesalan emang selalu datang terlambat, right? karena si cowo aat itu lagi punya pacar, jadi dia gak bisa nerima si cewe, sebenernya mereka pasangan romantis, tapi sayang mereka menganggap itu semua krn dasar persahabatan. this movies is a bit sad, idk why i cried.

and we have, what's your number?
keren banget coy!!! film ini ngajarin kalo being in love means being yourself. chris evans nya hot paraahhh. ceritanya lucu bikin ngakak, tapi so touching. Anna is looking for her true love from her 20 ex boyfriends who ever slept with her. crazy! 20! it's abnormal. she read an article in a magazine, based on research in harvard university, rata-rata wanita di america memiliki jumlah 10, dan itu sudah maksimal. sedangkan dia, 20, ups -_- sahabatnya bilang kalo sampe ada yg ke-21, maka dia gak akan pernah menikah. but suddenly it happens! pokoknya harus banget nonton! gak nyesel. no words to describe it!! comedy-romance seru seru! 

and even, the descendants, Won 1 Oscar. Another 51 wins & 82 nominations.
a land baron tries to re-connect with his two daughters after his wife is seriously injured in a boating accident. kind of a family-movie. konflik nya ternyata ibu mereka selingkuh, dan diketahui saat ibu nya dalam keadaan koma. George dan kedua putri nya berusaha untuk mencari siapa selingkuhan ibu nya itu sampai ke Hawai dengan maksud memberitahukan kalo ibu nya sebentar lagi akan meninggal, si selingkuhan nya itu mau gak nemuin dia cuma sekedar bilang selamat tinggal. ceritanya seru, gak bosen, makanya menang oscar, haha

and here we are, going to horror movie, yap the conjuring
kayanya gak usah cerita panjang lebar, cukup nonton aja, sebenernya agak gak ngerti fungsi Annabel (boneka yang di pangku) itu apa, does anyone can tell me? i watched yesterday with juwita, and we both like sok-berani-yang-suka-sok-sok-an :-/ to be honest, i dont like watching horror movie in cinema, tapi setelah film ini, gw ketagihan, gak takut tuh :o (gaya, belagu, padahal malem nya gak bisa tidur karena takut kaki nya ada yang narik).

the last but not least, calesta and jesse forever
:"""""""""""""""""""""( sedih sedih banget! endingnya sumpah deh. cerita nya simple, mereka sahabatan, terus menikah, terus bebrcerai karena jesse belum memiliki pekerjaan yang tepat aja. tapi mereka tetap menjaga hubungan mereka tetap baik-baik aja. bayangin sob, masih saling mencintai satu sama lain tapi harus pisah, gak ngerti sedih banget ini. ending nya nyeritain, sometimes, love is hurt. perih banget akhirnya. mungkin agak lebay. tapi tapi, nonton deh!!!

haha i'm done, ohiya, dengerin soundcloud gw yang judulnya "curhat sebelum bobo" thanks haha

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Whoever is meant to be there, will still be there.

God knows who belongs in your life and who doesn't :) trust and let go, because when memories hit you, it hurts :)
btw, my past few weeks have just been a lot of sleeping and learning. i just kind of "oh" and stare at nothing because i wanna burst into tears :) and punch a wall. no regrets :) just lessons learned.

Monday, July 29, 2013

99 Questions (part 2)

1.     Is the glass half empty or half full?
 half full. 
1.     What's the farthest-away place you've been?
1.     When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
 i never did
1.     Have you ever won a trophy?
 yes yes when i was a kid :-(
1.     Are you a good cook?
 no nay no
1.     Do you know how to pump your own gas?
 lol, i don't!
1.     If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
 idk, hehe. i don't wanna meet somebody right now
1.     Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
 always have for 12 YEARS OF MY LIFE
1.     Do you touch-type?
 yes both
1.     What's under your bed?
 boxes of shoes, papers, some old stuff
1.     Do you believe in love at first sight?
 mm, yeah kind of?
1.     Think fast, what do you like right now?
 being alone

Sunday, July 28, 2013

99 Questions (part 1)


A little update before bed from me.. How are you? Good I hope. And me? Oh, thanks for asking. Things are pretty well. I'm on my holiday so -

Um, the thing about me right now is that i'm missing somebody who doesn't even know i still exist.

  1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
Sampai pada suatu hari, mimpi buruk itu tiba-tiba berakhir. (from the book Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul)
  1. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
(well, seriously i did it) my phone
  1. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
googled "random questions"
  1. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
True Justice
  1. Without looking, guess what time it is
  1. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
22.11 :o
  1. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
err, sounds of the air conditioner
  1. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
outside like out of my room? an hour ago maybe, going to bathroom
  1. Did you dream last night?
  1. Do you remember your dreams?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Secrets of adulthood

people don't notice your mistakes as much as you think.
it's okay to ask for help.
most decisions don't require extensive research.
do good, feel good.
it's important to be nice to everyone.
bring a sweater.
by doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished.
soap and water remover most stains.
turning the computer on and off a few times often fixes a glitch.
if you can't find something, clean up.
you can choose what you do, you can't choose what you like to do.
happiness doesn't always make you feel happy.
what you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.
you don't have to be good at everything.
if you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.
over-the-counter medicines are very effective.
don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
what's fun for other people may  not be fun for you.
people actually prefer that you buy wedding gifts off their registry.
you can't profoundly change your children's natures by nagging them or signing them up for classes.
no deposit, no return.

you might need these. secrets of adulthood.

Monday, July 22, 2013

i know these all will be stories someday

"No matter how rich, or famous, or successful I become, when it comes to you, I'm always going to be that moon-eyed girl who freaked you out at a first glee rehearsal. You are the first boy who made me feel loved, and sexy, and visible. You are my first love. And I want more than anything for you to be my last."

i really don't know what to say... i've watched that scene a few months ago, and now i re-watch it in youtube. yap. i couldn't handle my tears.

i know these all will be stories someday, like i told you, and i told him, and our pictures will become old photographs and we'll become somebody's mom or dad. but when i was with you, those moments were not stories. that was happening. i was there. i could see it. that moment that you know you are not a sad story. you are alive. and you stand up and see the lights on buildings and everything that makes you wonder. but right now, i'm listening to that song on that drive with the people i love most in the world. and that moment i swear, we were young, didn't know many things.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Cindy Karmoko VS Me (haha i wish -_-)

Just got back from dreamland, and i'm so grateful i was born on earth.
I have decided to make a super instant and quick post today.
You may all know that my hair, yes yes my hair become so thick and acting out like a diva!
Haha too over I think to describe my hair.
Hem btw, do you know Cindy Karmoko???

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are you going to answer my question?

Somebody told me you were leavin'
I didn't know.
Somebody told me you're unhappy
But it doesn't show
Somebody told me that you don't want me no more
Ohh~ So your walkin' out the door

Have a blissful day, everyone!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

This's gonna be my honorable activity

 Hello guys, finally the tests are done! yippiyeah
words cannot say how happy i am :)
welcome holiday!!!!!
hem anyway, sorry for this blurry quality