Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Manusia mudah lupa, kan?

As i write this, i'm searching a lots about this book, buku favorite saya kelas 10 (after Twilight Saga trilogy) sebuah novel karya John Connoly, The Book of Lost Things. Saya meminjamnya dari teman. Katanya dia gak berani baca karena terlihat seram. I cant remember anything about the stories but I know something that the book is amazing. I wanna read it again. So here's the cover.
By the way, I barely watch If I Stay (and I cried) and Wish I Was Here (and cried), both of them told us bout family. Loves your family before there're gone. You know ure parents love u so much, but sometimes they didnt know how to show it. When u grow up, ure parents getting older too and as time goes by, the circle of life rules here. Take care of them like they did.

Monday, December 15, 2014

May you become the best of everything and happy forever.

To be mature
To enjoy every moments
To be grateful
To understand adulthood
To love more
To be happy
To live
(and To life).
I love you

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nggak ada yang baik. Nggak ada yang buruk. Dunia nggak hitam putih.

Berikut ini daftar 10 besar Box Office:
  1. "" - USD 38 juta (Rp 462 miliar)
  2. "" - USD 37,2 juta (Rp 453 miliar)
  3. "" - USD 19 juta (Rp 231 miliar)
  4. "" - USD 12,4 juta (Rp 149 miliar)
  5. "" - USD 12 juta (Rp 146 miliar)
  6. "" - USD 6,8 juta (Rp 82 miliar)
  7. "" - USD 4 juta (Rp 48 miliar)
  8. "" - USD 3,5 juta (Rp 42 miliar)
  9. "" - USD 3 juta (Rp 36 miliar)
  10. "" - USD 2,5 juta (Rp 30 miliar)
Read more:

GONE GIRL (2014) film ter-gak-nyangka sejauh ini. Sumpah gilaaaaa pantes banget lah ada di peringkat satu! 148 menit yang bikin mikir sambil ngelepas-lepas earphone dikit-dikit (takut terkejut ajasih) dan dibalut (ilah bahasanya ._.) suasana dingin misterius tegang dan brilliant !! Pecah abis lah kalo di tonton sendirian pas dingin dan hujan. Mulai saat 70menit pertama suasana akan dibalik 180 derajat. Gokil bikin mangapssss. Serius ini film wajib nonton. 

Ini kisah tentang Nick dan Amy, sepasang suami istri yang sudah menikah selama 5 tahun. Saat 5th anniv nya mereka, Amy dikabar kan hilang. Ternyata setelah diselidiki bahwa Nick lah pembunuhnya. 70 menit pertama gw gak nyangka kalo ada aja orang yang dulu nya saling mencitai bisa-bisaan sampe bunu-bunuhan gitu. Apalagi suaminya sendiri. Dikemas secara epic dan awalnya gw sempet bertanya-tanya siapa yang bunuh, kaya film Conan haha. Tapi film ini makin makin di 70 menit kedua. Gak mau jadi spoiler :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Summer Love: Kepada waktu yang mengajari ku menunggu.

I'd like to share something for you guys

It's a story about Feelings: Sadness, Happiness, Egoism, Loneliness, Awareness, Riches, and even Love who live in an Island. One day that Island was sink. It makes they (feelings) are all gone with their own ship and go sailing. But only Love and Awareness still in that Island, they stay. In a last minute, Love finally asks Successes to join with him, but he denied, "My ship is full of things, no space". And then Love goes to Egoism, "Please help me", Egoism answered, "No way!". So Love asks to Sadness, but there's no answer because Sadness needs to be alone. So does Happiness, he's already enjoy with his selfs. Suddenly, there's an outspoken says "Come with me." Love is very happy. Love forgets to ask his name. When in land, Love asks to Awareness who is somebody that bring us here?" He replied, "Time. Because time is helping us to realize how precious Love is."

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Not in every relationship: has a straight way.

Susah ternyata masuk ke dalam lingkungan nya. 
Capek juga, jadi satu-satu nya yang berjuang. 
Sedih nginget-nginget kenapa selalu gw yang mencoba masuk ke pergaulannya. 
Baru sadar. 
Udah gitu gak ada rasa di hargainya. 
Maaf ya punya gw yang kadang kaya gini.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I don't have any special kind of music genre or with the singer. I just love with what I hear.
I barely watch "If I Stay" and one of their soundtrack is Ben Howard. So I check it in Youtube, and that's it, I love it. I love the way he plays with his guitar. 
1. Promise
2. Under the Same Sun
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. The Fear
5. Old Pine
Just check them out :-)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hello, selfie!

Haloooo.... ya i miss home, really, i miss dad, 
mommy, brother and my lovely baby brother.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Again, about him.

He wasn’t my prince charming or the guy I had a crush on at first, but after almost 6 months, he turned out to be ‘the right guy’. The right guy wouldn’t make you crazy in love nor addicted, but he will be your cure, he will heal you from your heart sorrows--. Since I found him, he wouldn’t always give me butterflies in my tummy, make my heart skip a beat. I don’t need that. What I need is to be listened, to be protected, to feel comfortable, and to be happy. The right guy will always be honest, will love you no matter how freak and weirdo you are, he will be weird with you. The right guy will never be embarrassed of how you are, he will always see the beauty in you, and you will be the one and only beauty in his eyes, hehe. He would be happy and proud of your achievements. He will try to take your problems and figure it out together, with all of his resources the best he can. I know, he always try to make me happy and safe, he will do whatever it takes to make me happy. Like, bring me food even if he is really busy, and take care of me when I’m sick. -someone
Luckily, I found mine :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

I need Your Love

-Calvin Harris ft Ellie Goulding

"I need your love, i need your time, when everything's wrong, you make it right."

I whispered on him, I love you.
I want you to know how much I've enjoyed annoying you all this time,
and how excited I am to keep doing so in the future.
So, just like this song, when everything's wrong, you make it right.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


So many questions I got, bisa kenal sama dia gimana caranya? Kalian deket dari kapan? Udah berapa lama? Kenapa bisa suka dan akhirnya jadian?

No need any longer to answer (but need a couple times to realize that I love him, hehe). My baby is so careeee, gak cuma ke gw, tapi ke semua ‘kayanya’. Mobilitas tinggi. Sangat sangat bertanggung jawab dan amanah. Jangan ketawa lu :) terakhir, paling baik diantara yang paling baik (subjektif/objektif?) udah gitu sabar banget dari awal kita kenal yang tadinya gw nengok cuma sekilas-kilas aja sampe sekarang gak bisa berpaling even 5 minutes!! Hell! Dia itu orang paling lucu dan paling malu-maluin yang pernah gw kenal, serta panikan sedunia. Tapi gak nurunin charisma nya kalo lagi panik, huehehe. Kalo dia udah ngomong “HEH” gak nahan banget kakak, pake idgham soalnya dan gw paling gak kuat untuk gak ngikutin balik ngomong “HEH”. Kapan-kapan gw rekam.

Ohiya, panggilan favorite buat doi dari gw kalo abis makan itu Kebulsky, kadang pake embel-embel My sexiest kebulsky ever (biar oenjoe; read:unyu). Gak cuma Bonnie yang punya kepanjangan, berotot dan berani, tapi Kebulsky juga, kebo dan gembul, haha. Sumpah deh :( walaupun makan nya banyak, tapi perutnya datar, tapi tetep aja gembul, HEH! Wkwk.

Dulu, sebelum jadian, doi suka mandangin gw dari jauh (ya kan~) tapi sekarang mah boro-boro, selalu nanyain berulang-ulang di-tiap-sms, “kamu lagi di mana?” mbok ya aku gak ke mana2, Cinta :(. Dan dia selalu kzl kalo gw gak cek hp untuk menerima dari pernyataan dia yang bilang, “gak usah ke siniii, aku aja yang samper kamu.” But, ive said, im on my way Bebz -_- How could I check my phone when im on my way?? Dan doi pernah jawab kzl, “kenapa sih kamu selalu aja gini, gak cek hp nya dulu, langsung pergi.” Hihi kalo udah manyun gitu pingin dicubit aja mulski nyaw.

Dia orang paling beda coy dan terima kasih sudah buat saya jatuh cinta :) Happy 18, Maluve. I love you.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Iron & Wine; Flightless Bird, American Mouth.

So what then?

I'm a typical an easily-cry person. I don't know why but I can just crying by listening a song that's so touchy. I can cry by watching a proposal-video or movie or video. So Youtube deserves my thankies, so I thanks for it. Well, did you guys know Iron & Wine? If you watched Twilight you might know it. I cry for Flightless Bird, American Mouth. There, he  stares into your eyes and for a moment you feel you couldn't get lost in the gateway of their stares. Everything around you seems still and yet you feel yourself gliding from the energy released from this potent chemical called Love. He smiles, smiles in a way that reminds you of the first time you felt in love. That awkward teenage love where you're not sure how to express yourself, but smiling is the only way that you can verbalize the words "I am here with you, that nothing and no one can take me from this moment.. because I love you." no tag :p but I wish he read this. I miss you, Star Lord.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Is Your Dominant Intelligence?

The answer is...

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Your dominant intelligence is the verbal-linguistic intelligence. This means you have well-developed verbal skills and vocabulary and are sensitive to the sounds, meanings, and rhythms of words. You always notice grammatical mistakes when reading or writing something, and tend to think of appropriate solutions. You most likely have (or want) and book collection, and maybe even a collection of quotes and sayings that you remembered over the years. You enjoy puns, rhymes, riddles, and word games. You probably enjoyed English class. You enjoy reading, writing, and foreign languages.
Some jobs that suit the verbal-linguistic intelligence type are:
Writer, Lawyer, Editor, Public speaker,Novelist, 
Journalist, Comedian,
Philosopher, Psychotherapist, Politician, Teacher, Actor
That's so trueee!! There's no engineer in there, haha. It's your turn :p 

Friday, September 19, 2014

19th: in 20 years from now.

I decided to make a goal till I get 40,
and make it a point by point to list what i will do and get for my future.

It means i'll be 40 that's old.
1. I must be native in english of course
2. Already have 3 children (or depends on God gift me) but I really wanna have 3 children.
3. Have my own business lyk cafe in Kemang (I already have the name, called Snow White cafe and dine), also I have a creativity class for baby and children (writing, singing, coloring, drawing) and dance class. 
4. Go to Makkah with husband.
5. Be a consultant or senior in my work so I can manage and monitoring at home.
6. Travel the world. Visit Peru and take some pictures in Machu Pichu, or go to New York and meet my idola, Zoe Saldana!! (I'm not sure she is in NYC tho).

It means i'll be 30.
1. GM (general manager) in baby and children stuff. I have a dream to work in Vogue but I should be realistic. At least I can have an internship in there when i'm not this old. Back to GM, I'll work in Pigeon or My Baby or Nutrillon. I don't have any kind of interest in oil and gas, but if I have a chance to work in there, i'll take chance. But I think this should be write in 5 years from now, haha..
2. I can drive my own car. To go to work, go to the mall, take the kids to school, go to the market, and hang out with old-friends.
3. I MUST GO TO LONDON WHEN I REACH THIS AGE. hihi. I visit London with husband and kids, also Azfar, my lil brother. And Bagas if he wanna join. 
4. Master in bake and receive the order from neighbor or anyone.
5. Every night after works, I accompany my kids when they are studying. And I read more books and collect them of course, so I have my own library.
6. Get a reward for my achievement in blog or whatever. If i dont get it, my husband can give it one to me. Haha.

It means i'll be 25.
1. Good at cooking, so my family can love me more haha.
2. My 2nd year of marriage. We will celebrate in Derawan Island, Berau - East Kalimantan.
3. Already have "our" ow house with beautiful garden and swimming pool in it.
4. Work in baby and children industry. Meet the best people in town, And have my own invitation with my name in front of it not my parents's name.
5. Best achievement in writing.
6. Have a best salary ever in my age. Like 20 million each monts. InsyaAllah amin.

Like my father told me, people only use 10% of their brain, they still have 90%. And if you said you CAN'T of what you do, your 90% will follow so. Just said YES, I WILL AND I TRY. My father such a best advicer and inspire me so often.

In the next post, I will tell you my 4, 3, 2, 1 years from now. Thanks for read this, it means a lot for me. And now I dare you to make this one.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Let's Get Lost: Yogyakarta.

Dear you,
It's like a miracle to have you as mine. Masih gak nyangka nemuin orang yang ngerasa lo bisa jadi diri lo. Gak harus touch up dulu untuk terlihat cantik. Gak malu kalo ketawa lo kaya mak lampir. Atau rambut yang kaya singa. Udah gitu aja, bisa terlihat cantik di matanya, eaaa. Iya ngerti sih mungkin karena cinta itu buta haha dan doi bilang gw cantik karena gw pacar nya. Dasar -_- basi.

Minggu lalu, kita, ke Jogjaaaaaa. Dan gw rasa, Jogja itu indah. Haha. Keliatannya hati gw ketinggalan di sana. Beda sama Bandung, beda, Jogja damai bgt ya, nenangin dan ngangenin!! Kita ke Klaten, Prambanan (lewat aja sih), Goa Pindul (lewat juga), Pantai deh, lupa namanya, ada 2 pantai yang di kunjungin, salah satunya Indrayanti. Bersihhhhhh dan pasir nya lembut bgt, anget-anget gitu dan cuacanya windy sama silau bgt lah. Untung ada kacamata *smile*

Mau Jogja lagi, jatuh cinta gitu masakkk sama suasana Jogja di malam hari, beda atmosphere nya kaya di Semarang, baru berasa huhu :') kangen kamu juga, bodo amatlah keliatan alaiiii hihi, yaudah ya bye :"3

Friday, August 22, 2014

A tribute to my friend.

Dear Aug 22nd,
I just read a message from friend of mine around 10 a.m.
She said, you got an accident. I thought you had a lil injury.
Around 11 this morning, another friend told "passed away".
Only that 2 words. And than some friends asked, "What did you mean?"
He explained. "Not this time friend, are you kidding?", I asked.
"I'm not, Cil."
Rest in peace, my friend. This is hard for us, for me. You depict that life is short.
I knew you for the first time because you're different. You are smart. You have a well spoken.
I saw you'll be 'someone' one day. But God has a plan. See you, friend.

ps: suatu saat, jika seseorang itu telah tiada, teman, keluarga, atau orang yang gak di kenal akan membuka arsip kita, untung mengenang dan mengingatkan. Semoga kelak banyak yang mengenang saya *tears*. Lewat blog ini saya punya arsip untung diri saya sendiri. Punya sesuatu yang bisa di baca. Maaf jika ada salah-salah kata. Masih suasana duka. YaAllah ampuni dosa kita semua, amin.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

New and Hot.

What's new? Askfm, askfm everywhere. You open your twitter, and see people share theirs. The most sucks is they have a long write and then share it to twitter which has only 140 characters and you know what happen next. Me just like, "gantung banget jawaban lo." Well, I have askfm (just have) not playing in it, the reason why I made that account because twitter itself, hufff, friends of mine are currently share their answers like I've told, and I just wanna know the answer till end (.) Let's talk about askfm first, you will have a question from others, you can hide your name, and then that people will answer your question. Got excited? I'm not really interested and how do I say, I'm writing about that! LULZZ (re:lol). I have blog since 2010 and blog just like my room, the comfortable place to escape, (media) good listener and perfect way to save moments. It's funny when you see your old-posts and your reaction will be: EWWH is that really me? And than you will laugh because your stupidity in the past. That's i called a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I guess we have a different perspective. Um let's talk about other. As you know, I already finished my study in the 4th term and it means that I will have my 3rd year! I have to study harder, note to myself as always in the beginning of each term. I wanna be rich, have my own money, driving myself, get dresses, looks skinny, marry with a guy whom I love (love each other), living happily, buy a house with a big garden, that's my dreams. I wanna travel around the world or at least, London. Bring my parents into the happiness. See my brothers have a fab live. And call myself as a Kadarshians. WOW. We live once, make it worth. Finally, let's say "amin" together. Amin. Thankyou and goodbye. Love you guys.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


He drove, seeing the road, while I lay beside him with my head in his laps or arms. I sent him an email a couple days ago. And I thought I should write him in here. I’m not in business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true thing, I’m in love with him. The guy from Semarang who protect me and make me feel loved. He was my friend and now he is walking next to me wherever I go. Awesome right? I like being flirty at him because he will ask me to stop flirting and then he will say “You’re beautiful. I’m glad to see you.” Me? I like being liked. I meant who’s not? I’m type of a cheerful person and he’s kind of funny in his way. So, we match. You know, I can’t stop thinking of you, heart-stoler. Even if I can, I don’t want for right now. See you S!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ramadhan is coming

okay guys, so long time no see eh? well, in my defense I was bussy... and lazy. HAHA. I got so much to do plus zero inspiration so I haven't write any post in a long time. you sir/ma'am the reader, deserve an apology. so... I'm apologize :)

what to do what to do, okay today is the first day of Ramadhan, alhamdulillah. mine was running pretty well, how bout u? well i'd like to say Happy Fasting!! next, tomorrow i will have math and kimfis test, so i'm standing at the end of 4th semester, i hope it goes clearly and i can do it better, amin. 

I just finished my study and I thought "hey why not write one post?" so here i am. I should have gotta bed but yeah I'm still up and write this nonsense post. I have nothing to write about, I just want to write some random things, and an experiment to what I will write in this time (because I have no quotes or inspiring stories or something awesome). this is the most less backspace post I ever write. well, I actually don't know and have no more idea to write about. so? is this post come to an end? yeah, I think so.

goodbye, sweetdreams

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I guess I'm living every girls dream, wear a tiara and stuff.

Hei June 2014.
How's it going? June is always be my month every year, coincidence or not?
June is beautiful. "tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan juni, dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu,-" Hujan Bulan Juni, 1989, Sapardi Djoko Damono. That is a lovely poetry i've found. If somebody asked me, "Do you have a wish" I presumably sighed loudly, "Yes and one of them already came true." I can't believe i ever wish or said, i dont know, but i catch that wish right now. "y am i so scared? it's really important to me yeah? if i never try i never know" these questions have haunted me for months- and.. i dont know how long i have left to get answers to them. So i said yes, and his hand on my calf. Happy ending. Well, let's we travel this world together, dont worry about it, (but i looked worried). 

"how's your feeling?" "grand"

Friday, June 13, 2014

Quick Update

It's a tough week you know. Crying doesnt mean i'm weak.
But it's ok, all of that stuff and shit have gone.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Inspired by Brian Mcknight, One Last Cry.

No one could ever understand the true feeling of love and the effect it has over you unless you ever truly fall in love with the person who is meant for you. The universe finds a way to bring the people who are meant to be together based on the frequency of their hearts into a collision that is out of their control to finally meet face to face who defines their reflection of love, loyalty, trust, purity, innocence, friendship, and all the characteristics that make up forever.

Monday, May 26, 2014

No offense. Another life is funny that way..?

Ada saat dimana kita berada disatu titik yg tak bergerak dan semua terlihat hitam putih. Mungkin, saat ini rasanya aku ingin berjalan menyusuri garis pantai biru, merasakan tiap butir pasir putih yang terselip disela jemari kaki. Sesekali, ku lengkungkan senyum pada langit sore yang menghadiahkan senja keemasan. Serta kepada waktu yang mengajariku menunggu, tertegun atas tiap detik yang merangkak pelan pada jam yang ku kenakan di tangan kiri. Selalu saja penuh rahasia. Kau, aku, adalah jiwa-jiwa yang menari dulunya, berpijak dari satu titik ke titik lainnya. Aku meluruhkan air mata ketika membaca blog seorang yang tak dikenal 3 tahun lalu. Larut dalam emosi dan kau menyuruhku tidur. Semua hanya masalah waktu. Kau, aku jiwa-jiwa yang merencanakan segalanya detail. Sebuah komitmen kita anggap gampang. Kini aku tertawa melihat buku harian yang pada masanya sangat berjaya.

Kita, adalah orang yang berbeda di paragraph pertama. Ketika deru nafas mulai mengembang-kempiskan dada, yang senantiasa membuat kita tetap hidup, dan pada malam yang mencumbu hujan, yang berlalari membasuh wajah, turun seketika, menyelinap masuk diserap bumi, hingga tanah pun menghembuskan aroma kehidupan. Sebelumnya kita sama-sama tidak terbiasa dengan hujan, tapi malam itu, sahabat ku dan aku, adalah jiwa-jiwa yang menari, berpijak dari satu titik ke titik lainnya. Merasakan sepi yang sebelumnya tidak sederhana. Alam seakan mengerti kalau tempat ini tempat kita.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My musics

Um let’s stop listening banda neira, tulus over and over again, they are entering my room everyday, and gonna be bothering my ear sometimes I have to move and listen another song. I perfectly made my side-roommate can sing banda neira’s song. Good job, hands up. Well, I have some music that recently I played. First I have Jack Johnson with Breakdown, Jack Johnson with Better Together, wait, I’m fucking in love with his voice such a talent and make me so happy. Very good and old times. You’d better check him out now. And ready to fall in love. Next, I have Penny & The Quarters with You and Me. Wow amazing song. Thanks to Blue Valentine I got a chance to hear it. Old songs always bring me to the peaceful situation, just like that song itself. Last, I have Inggrid Michaelson with Can’t Help Falling In Love With You. “Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? But I cant help falling in love with you…” everybody just listen how she brings her song, the way she is singing, I can’t say anything because it’s something you have to listen. That’s it for now #smiles

Friday, May 16, 2014

Be Yourself

They never ever can change you become another person that you are actually not.
You have to believe you brain, because heart is stupid sometimes.
Heart works by feeling without thinking. Life sucks. So just make yourself happy.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What you’ve been doing? // Waiting for you – Like Crazy (2011)

I like this movie especially because of the ending.
To those who didn't like the ending that is a matter of opinion, but for me this movie is real.
It's not one of those fake happy ever after endings that give people too many high expectations of life.
It's real and shows how love really is.
That is why I love this movie. That is why I love the ending of this movie.
It is a true perception of love and life. Amazing film.
It’s so real. Waiting so long to get to one another, after all that time.
And all that is left, is just familiarity.
And when finally they're able to get together, it doesn't feel the same.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hai, mimpi.

Kata orang mencintai memiliki fase. Mungkin yang paling standar adalah fase dimana manusia belum mencintai dan fase dimana manusia sudah mulai mencintai. Mulai karena manusia pada dasarnya adalah makhluk yang memiliki rasa benci, karena ada satu titik dimana kita akan kembali bertingkah seperti fase terdahulunya.

Here I am, the invisible Chemical Engineering Student. When some friend asks me "teknik kimia belajar apa aja? Kimia ya? Nilai kimia nya pas SMA bagus nih pasti" well, suddenly i have no words to tell them what i am learning. Seakan kata teknik di depan kata kimia tersebut hilang dari pandangan mereka saat gw bilang "iya.. teknik kimia." that's different between Chemical Eng. and Chemistry. We purely not only learn about chemistry, we learn many things. "Kamu waktu SMA kimia nya belajar apa?" Tanya gw. "molekul, elektron, susah lah pokoknya." biar cepet, gw selalu ngasih jawaban, "gw belajar bikin pabrik, mengoperasikan dan mengelola. Hasilnya? Yang lo pake." Rasanya, untuk survive menurut gw susah, belom dapet aja cara nya seperti minat gw dulu untuk melahap semua soal-soal matematika, berlomba dapetin nilai sempurna untuk ulangan matematika, kimia. Biologi? ngerti aja syukur, walau catatan gw rapih dan warna-warni, tetep aja jadi hal yang paling susah diantara ke-6 mata pelajaran yang di UN kan. Fisika sekalinya ngerti gw bisa jungkir balik sambil ngerjain soal dengan materi itu-itu aja. But look at me now? Belum ada yang gw genggam, belum, rasanya untuk menggenggam itu sulitttt banget.Iya ngerti, tapi ngerti nya sama soal yang mau di ujian kan, itupun H-beberapa jam ujian. What's wrong with you Cit. Ngeliat passion di diri sendiri aja gw gak bisa, gw jago dimana? Apa yang gw kuasai? Ini curhat, maaf aja ya. Biar suatu saat di baca lagi bisa buat hiburan. Semesta bicara tanpa bersuara.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I hope God would bless me with an even bigger heart, so I could love you even more.

Another book by Dahlian, I read in less than 4 hours, the amazing 364 pages of their story, Tania and Rezza.  It’s not like an usual romance-fiction-book for me, I’ve learned many things. And, the-after-effect is… I want my husband is a doctor. *winks*. I wanna marry 31 years old man, while I’m 23. Rezza told me, (hem… Tania for sure, not me) “See, I can making love with you without love, I can kiss you without you don’t know I love you or not. I’m a man, Tania. I knew what inside their brain. He did it, not because he loves you, but desires of yours.” Well yeah, I can’t say Tania is a “nice” person and even Rezza. But as a girl, she did with love. Not because she wants to, but, her heart said so. Opposite with her boyfriend, Hendrik, is just playing with her. The book itself said the truly life in here. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I love how Rezza treats Tania (I wanna be treated like that) when Tania, how do I say ngambek? “Oohh, soo!??” // “I mad about you, sorry” Rezza replied and rubs his girlfriend’s cheek // “you’re so annoying” // “Well thanks, I love you too.” // I can’t stop smiling, ladies and gentlemen!!!! And and when Tania is having birthday, "Happy birthday My Precious" That's sweet!!!! "On our own, each of us is imperfect. but together, we complete each other." I falling in love with the characters. So much. End--

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Is there any other way to London?

No idea.
I got stuck in front of my laptop about 2.5 hours finishing my essay. I did nothing.
I've tried to find a lot of information about Crimea and now they are making me crazy!
I don't know how to start, what should I write.
London, wait for me, I know there's another way to you, baby.
Not this time, but someday, I'm gonna be a-real-London-walker.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Current faces: Hey sleepyhead!

Dear Neptunus, kali ini radar yang mempertemukan ku dengan agen mu. Radar kita terkoneksi satu sama lain. Dan perahu kertas ini..... haha freak, efek baru nonton perahu kertas. Film itu bilang, "Kenapa Kuggy memilih untuk bersama Lode di Bali?" // "Kuggy gak akan balik ke Jakarta. Kuggy akan menetap di Bali. Karena Kuggy memilih Lode." // "Cinta itu dipilih, bukan memilih. Jika Kuggy memilih Lode, selamanya akan ada beban."--- ya kurang lebih begitu. Sebenarnya, saya kurang mengerti maksud nya apa. Does anyone? FIlm itu mengajarkan kita untuk terus melanjutkan mimpi. Garis untuk mencapai mimpi itu bukan garis lurus.

Sudah cukup dengan intro nya. Semenjak selesai UTS ini, saya suka ngantuk. Kuliah selalu ambil jadwal pagi. Senin kemarin dateng telat karena bangun kesiangan. Untungnya belom ada dosen #IKnew. Hari selasa gak kuliah, karena--ngantuk. Sedih banget, padahal motto hidup akhir-akhir ini mau di rubah menjadi play hard, work hard. Wajah suka beler. Siang-siang hobi nya jadi bobo. Akibatnya selalu bisa bobo kalo jam udah lewat dari 00.00. Dan begitu terus siklusnya, bangun kesiangan lagi. Udah pasang alarm. Tapi teman kost saya sampai heran karena saya gak bangun-bangun padahal alarm udah banter.

i'm always have a problem with my eyes. So, pardon me -_-

Monday, April 28, 2014

Fairy Tale

My ego is too high when I’m reading a novel. I don’t like the tear-jerker but the good one, with the main character is living happily ever after. And that’s the end. Happy. The novel itself, always bring me into the imagination that I can play. And I shouldn’t have told you, I will let myself crying easily after finishing books or movies. Whether it ends with dramatically or not. And I don’t push myself to stop crying. That’s the fact, of me. Well, the impact after finishing that stuff, I’m always wanna be the girl in that book, or movie. Always. That’s happen to me so often. In a nutshell, everyone want to have a kind of perfect life. Like I told you. But I thought you won’t find it in here. In a fairy tale, for sure. So, what you can find in here? If you got lucky, you will find the person who doesn’t wear mask, one in billion. She/he is your best friend. I found one. I call her Uhuy. Bisa dikatakan, saya termasuk orang yang percaya bahwa sahabat sejati itu gak ada. Everyone is moving. Each moving they will find the new person, the new experience, with the new you. I believe. But, one thing right now, the closest friend I have, is my best friend.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

My life isn’t perfect, but I’m thankful for everything I have

mau flashback dari minggu (6/4) sampai hari ini. intinya, berangkat pagi pulang malam. ada aja yang di kerjain. laporan, kumpul ini itu, ketemu ini, ketemu itu, gak sempet liat tv even twitter. dan gak terasa, H-seminggu UTS. hahahaha. semester 4 nih?

btw, ada yang request gw, post foto lama. ini jaman SMA kelas X. ruangan ijo yang bikin mata gw minus. ac super dingin yang buat barisan kedua kolom dua dari kanan kosong, dengan seragam yang paling gw bangga-banggain. jadi inget, loker isi nya buku-buku paket, tiap berangkat gak pernah bawa tas berat, eh sekali nya ngosongin isi loker (karena ulangan, pr, dan 'pingin baca-baca' aja) sampe minta kresek ke ibu kantin :') sekalinya pulang kaya siswa baru abis beli buku paket.

kegiatan yang paling di suka jaman SMA? upacara sama olahraga. kegiatan lain nya? pas classmeeting. bisa nonton film di kelas rame-rame sambil bawa jajan. kalo hari ter-surga itu, hari sabtu pastinya, bisa pake sepatu bebas dan kaos kaki pendek. gw selalu bawa kotak bekel, walau isinya cuma nasi aja, lauk nya beli di kantin. barang yang gak pernah ketinggalan, handsanitaizer, dan semua anak di kelas pasti punya. ohiya, balik lagi soal loker, temen gw, sebut saja dita, anak nya gokil, kocak deh, di saat yang lain isi loker nya 'buku', si dita, baju baru, sepatu baru, tas baru. dia takut ketauan nenek nya kalo belanja-belanja gitu wkwk. kita pernah mau jual barang-barang dita ke toko bagus, huahaha, terus barang-barang nya di fotoin dengan angel yang pas, biar keliatan bagus. alas nya pake taplak meja guru. hoho.

pernah nangis gak di kelas? engga, kayanya engga. *gak mau ngaku* 

Friday, April 4, 2014

I wonder if the things that remind me of you remind you of me.

Everyone has a secret they haven’t shared, a past no one has heard about. And talents that people don’t notice. Everyone has a weakness hidden inside. And everyone has a story left untold. I believe we write our own stories, and each time we think we know the end, we don’t. Life is funny that way. Baby, I hate to say it, most of them, actually pretty much of people are going to break your heart. But, you can’t give up :) because if you give up, you’ll never find soulmate. You’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. As time goes on, you’ll understand, what lasts, lasts. What doesn’t, doesn’t. Time solves most things. And I note one thing, happiness starts with one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss, and stops with one mistake. It doesn’t take a lot for me to like you actually, if you can legitimately make me feel happy, even in the slightest way. And have you ever thought about how many people thinking about you? It’s so bizarre. Imagine someone, thinking of your face. Something happens, they remember you. Your favorite song, how you dress, the way you talk, the look in your eyes when you are happy. Even if you haven’t seen each other in days. You may think you’ve forgotten, but you haven’t. And you know what? If things end, people leave, but life must go on. Bad things happen to everyone, so you are not in it alone. Cheers!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

HIMYM and mine.

i wish i had that kind of friendship. i wish i got married with my bestfriend. and someday, i wish someone could say 
"you will never see how lovely you truly are. that's why i'm here. i will tell you the beauty that i see" 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Quick update.

sadness and happiness, such a perfect combination to end up this day.
bye tears, bye loud of laugh, bye weakness, bye sunshine. i will meet the moon.
he stays at night to light this uncomfortable darkness. always at his position.
one thing for sure, never lie, you can make me hurt but please don't do in a lie-way. just don't.
i don't have any idea why Jefri's face is right there, but he made my photograph cooler. 

Monday, March 31, 2014



Sunday, March 30, 2014


we never understand why people do something annoying when they have a problem?
why people never make it clear first then go, but they go first and...forget?
we don't like that type of much.
feeling,, not a toy like people can play with.
we both are mature. right?
we know we disturb their day, their time. we can be the person they don't want to meet.
and every second of our life *lebay,, we try to understand.
until that "one day" is coming.
we only ask them once, please understand us like we do.
we don't make it bigger whether they not text us, they busy, even they leave.
but, let us now that "one day" is.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Black is the new black :)

-A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Taking Selfies

Aim, smile, and shoot! Here is a new way to stay ahead of your peers. Bored of clicking photographs of other people? Why not point the camera at yourself? It's time to say cheese! Welcome to the world of selfies. It is still a new phenomenon, many netizens are quite familiar with the term. I use selfies to inspire, provoke, motivate, challenge, or encourage my friends. Want to show off your new haircut or strong biceps? Selfies can speak louder than words. Want to say I’m sorry. How about a selfie with a sorry face?

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. - Bernard M. Baruch 

So you think selfies are bad? I don’t think so, maybe we have a different perspective about selfies it selfs. But I don’t think taking selfies are bad or alay. And here's mine. Just be yourself :) let people see the real, imperfect, weird, and magical person you are.

p.s: I forgot to say thank you about "mirror's game" it describes me a lot in positive and negative sides. A common question I got, Why it's not easy being me? Even the grass always looks greener on the other side. At least, just be yourself.

Monday, March 3, 2014

I Need 2000000 IDR

Bandung itu epic men menurut gw. Ah, Bandung. Masih aje lu Cit. Haha. Gak tau kenapa selalu jatuh cinta sama kota yang satu ini. Bandung itu kota kreatif! Bener banget! Tiap kali nginjakin kaki di Bandung, jiwa gw mendadak kreatif -___- bhahaha gaya. suka aja ngeliat orang-orang lalu lalang di bandung dengan penampilan nya yang beda. menurut gw beda. apa yang ngebedain ya? Bandung. Iya, Bandung yang bikin mereka beda. Jadi ceritanya gini, sebenernya gak ada hubungan nya sama Bandung zzz

"Pah aku mau kuliah ambil komunikasi"
"Jangan setengah-setengah kamu. Tekim udah bagus"
"Anak komunikasi cantik-cantik soalnya"
"Ada temen kamu pasti ya?"
"Aku liat-liat di instagram anak LSPR keren keren, atau Binusian"
"Undip lebih keren"
"Nih ya Pah, kalo aku udah kerja, good looking itu menjadi perhatian yang paling utama. apalagi cewe. misal Papah nerima orang, papah lebih milih Ariel Tatum apa aku?"
"Ariel Tatum lah"
"Tuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yasudahlah aku butuh uang pah :")"
"Berapa? Buat apa?"
"Kurang lebih 2 juta buat ngepack-packin baju aku di kosan terus aku ganti sama yang mewah mewah."
"Kamu kan punya uang. Yaudah bagus tuh kamu beli aja baju yang kamu suka, terus berpenampilan menarik nanti daftar kaya yang di Metro, apa namanya Cit?"
"Mata Najwa, Pah------"

Jadi bokap gw tau Ariel Tatum dari acara Hitam Putih, kebetulan nonton nya sama gw. Bisalah cari doi di google. Jadi intinya, Bandung memotivasi gw untuk punya uang 2jt dalam waktu dekat. Gimana ya. $$$$$ T.T doa nya kawan kawan. Di bantu ya di bantu.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Long Journey

I do a lot of things at home since I got back from Smrg 2 weeks ago. I had a silly-night-phone-call-but-still-lovely from you and I found some of nice songs that fulfill my day. I’m a bit working out in the morning and reading novel by Ilana Tan right now. By the way, one of my fave Indonesian singer ever, Tulus, has finally launched his new album, Gajah! Tulus's voice is amazing and his songs are very well written. The music, the rhythm, and the lyrics are classy. It's hard not to fall for his voice and music. Also I give Banda Neira a bunch of love because of their songs are easy listening and great. It’s really far out!


And yap I forgot to retell some movies I’ve been watching. First we have, Safe Heaven. Another Nicholas Sparks movie based on his novel. Yeah you know, just around the romance stories that brings you into tears. And then we have, Liberal Arts, 37 years old man loves college student, the main character is Ted Mosby in HIMYM. Oh ya, when I was in Pare, my teacher asked me to watch ‘catch me if you can’ he said that I can learn how to order a help in polite way, so I got ‘how may I help you’ in there. Well we have Iron Man 3, I just watched about a couple days ago. And silent Hill. Don’t forget The Simpsons Movie, Cit -_- um… and then… give me space to think, Ultraviolet, it’s a good one, the hero is a woman, I love her because she has a good body #laughs. And the last, taraaaaa, Pretty Woman! HAHA finally I can finish watching that movie. Done Pretty, it’s done! :p I dare you to watch that movie while parents are home, the truth, I can’t. Because I thought it’s kind of 20’s above, but I was wrong after watching the whole story. It’s like a common western movie. But I love that movie pretty much.

p.s: Banda Neira - Ke Entah Berantah

Monday, February 24, 2014

What I Know Right Now

"selamat sore nona :)"

--i'm on the last week before 4th term is coming. i always hope for the best because i decided my future, not else. well, i wanna introduce you to the man who likes greet me with that funny words. maybe it will be awkward someday. i write about you, how's your reaction? i'm glad to be the girl with whom you can share. you are so loving and caring, but sometimes you can be the most annoying person alive. #ticklesyou. actually, day by day we've been through, is full of awareness. unfortunately, we met and tried to get each other. i mean, i almost know you, not really far, but i know better for this time. so, what we got after this? i wanna make it long. how about you? well, we know that tomorrow is a mystery for us, we both blaming everything. if something bad happens to us one day, i wont forget to read this again. i hope you will do the same thing. #cheers *a glass of jack daniel's. haha kidding. at least, how are you? what's your plan today?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Win my heart

You know, i had an amazing experience for more than 2 weeks, and already miss every single part of it. i miss my dorm, and my room exactly in upstairs. i miss kak isma, kak muhdi, kak bayu, kak milzam, faris, rodi, ghozi, kak diana, dewi, mitha, cyntia, putri, cita, asti, ciwaw, mba dj, mba rahma, mba diah, and rini, oh ya i forgot the Kudus's one. (well, i don't even know they really are, that's why i don't mention it). it's funny anyway to remember the way we stick together. and... i love them. we went slept late bcs the unimportant chit chat, lol. and the slowest person who took a bath. if we have a class at 7, we will come at 7.10 or 15. we.... how do i say "jajan"? we had some food before and after class. so consumptive. forgive me, and forgive us. only 2 weeks and we already know him/her. not at all, but we can get what she/he looks like. besides that, i get a lot of knowledge. i know how to speak english well. i'm more confident than i used to be. oh really? haha. Hei scroll down and read more, i'll show you our picts. #wink

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Please kindly ignore my face, it seems like "hei, you wanna fight?"

Kupu-kupu itu indah banget ya, belum pernah gw liat ada sayap yang seragam. Dia dulu nya ulet, lalu bermetamorfosis menjadi kupu-kupu. Untuk menjadi sesuatu yang indah, perlu waktu dan kesabaran. Itu jawaban kenapa gw selalu ngasih tanda kupu-kupu di tiap tempat. Udah banyak dosen dan teman sepermainan yang nanya "Ini tanda tangan nya siapa yang kupu-kupu?" hem.. kalo udah dewasa dan sukses nanti, gw mau tanda itu yang ngejadiin image gw, hehe. Kalo di pikir-pikir lagi, kupu-kupu itu selain cantik, dia juga unik. Nih ya, kalo tiba-tiba ada kupu-kupu masuk ke dalam rumah, pasti ada aja celetukan "Ih mau ada tamuuuuu." i do believe that! Haha. Ngaku siapa yang sependapat sama gw?~~ 

Oh iya, out of topic nih, 25 Jan - 10 Feb 2013 lalu gw ke Kediri - Pare - Bromo - Malang - Batu, berangkat dari Semarang. Gw ambil program 2 minggu di e*fast untuk speaking dan grammar class. 2 minggu yang gw jalanin di Pare buat gw makin dewasa, buat gw bertemu dengan keluarga baru dan langsung bikin nyaman. Tapi ada aja kejadian-kejadian lucu nya. Dan... setelah beberapa hari gw pulang, dan kembali ke Tangerang, Gn.Kelud meletus, gw sebenernya gak pandai berkata-kata, tapi semoga Indonesia lekas sembuh, nyambung gak? Yaudahlah ya.

Saya 'pernah' ingin menjadi penulis

Gak sengaja nemuin tulisan gw yang ini, kok keren sih? Haha. Monggo di baca tulisan gw waktu SMP, lalalala~


Dan selesailah aktingnya, yeah, akting—Rachael harus berpura-pura bahwa ia menyukai saudara tirinya yang baru saja datang satu bulan yang lalu itu, karena apabila dia sedikit saja berkata hal-hal yang buruk mengenai Ann, maka orangtuanya akan selalu memarahinya, dan Ann itu tukang pengadu, jadi.. kau tahulah. Kali ini wajahnya dihiasi oleh cengiran puas, tangannya segera menyeret kursi bekas Ann duduk, lalu meletakkan kaki-kaki rampingnya di atas kursi tersebut sambil menyeruput teh earl grey miliknya.


Hng—peri? Dan peri itu membawa surat, katanya sih dari Beauxbatons—wah, tempat ibunya dulu bersekolah ya?

“Permen. Cokelat. Manisan. Lolipop. Gula. Mana?”

Tangannya segera merogoh saku bajunya dan mengeluarkan beberapa butir permen mint yang memang selalu dibawa olehnya. Semoga saja peri itu menyukai mint. Rachael segera menyerahkan permen mintnya kepada peri tadi, lalu membaca surat yang dibawa oleh peri tersebut dengan teliti.


Intinya dia masuk Beauxbatons, rite? Bagus, dia bisa jauh-jauh dari Ann.

Gadis kecil tersebut memandang ke luar melalui kaca jendela kamarnya yang mulai berembun. Di luar, langit sedang bersedih dan meneteskan air matanya. Namun sebaliknya, sang gadis merasa senang memandangi tangisan sang langit. Ia sangat menyukai butir-butir air yang menetes, mengikuti hukum gravitasi dan jatuh ke tanah, sebelum akhirnya mengalir menuju laut dan mengulangi proses yang sama. Singkatnya ia sangat menyukai hujan.

Jarang seorang Faith mendapatkan kesempatan untuk duduk sejenak dan memperhatikan aliran air pada kaca jendelanya, semenjak adanya Dave, adik laki-lakinya. Kini sang adik sedang tertidur di ruang sebelah dan tentu ia tak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini. Memandangi tangisan sang langit.


Melirikkan iris abu-abu pada sumber suara, Fay menemukan makhluk kecil berbentuk seperti peri yang terbang di dalam kamarnya. Entah darimana atau bagaimana makhluk mini tersebut dapat masuk ke kamarnya yang tertutup, ia tak mau ambil pusing. Yang lebih penting kenapa peri tanpa ekspresi tersebut ada di kamarnya saat ini.

“Surat untuk Anda dari Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.”


Mengangkat alisnya dengan heran, gadis kecil tersebut menerima surat yang disodorkan kepadanya tersebut. Surat dari Beauxbatons. Tentu saja, ayah dan ibunya pernah memberitahunya bila suatu saat nanti ia pasti akan menghadiri Beauxbatons, tempat di mana ayah dan ibunya bertemu. Meski ia bukanlah seseorang yang asing dengan berbagai sihir, tetap saja Fay harus menghadiri sekolah, layaknya seorang murid menghadiri sekolah dasarnya. Begitu?

“Permen. Cokelat. Manisan. Lolipop. Gula. Mana?”

Untuk yang kedua kalinya, sang gadis mengangkat alisnya dengan heran. Peri kecil ini meminta bayaran atas jasanya sebagai tukang pos? Sambil tersenyum simpul, gadis berambut pirang panjang tersebut mengambil coklat yang kebetulan ada di atas meja belajarnya dan menyodorkannya pada sang peri. Dan secepat peri tersebut datang, secepat itu pula ia pergi setelah menerima coklat dan membungkuk.

Tertawa pelan, gadis itu kemudian meletakkan suratnya secara sembarangan di atas tempat tidurnya. Iris abu-abu kembali menangkap butiran-butiran bening yang turun dari langit, sementara tangan menopang wajahnya. Tangannya yang lain meraih sebuah pensil dan kertas, kemudian mulai menorehkan huruf-huruf dalam kertas tersebut, sembari sesekali menatap ke luar kaca jendela. Untuk surat, menyusul kemudian.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kak, alasyu.

You and me.

It took me a while to write this down, because to be honest I was afraid. Afraid of what future will be for us. "What will happen with us?". There are so many question running through my mind and none of them I could answer. Future seems so blurry --you can see it is there but you don't know yet what it's like.

"you're saying 'but' too much"

Well, you're right. Malam ini berujung bahagia. makasih ya, alasyu mbellllll. Hehe. Kamu aneh, kamu tolol, kamu gila, kamu gak tau malu, kamu hebat :') kamu, kamu, kamu, kamu tuh pengetahuan nya luas bats ya, jauh lah aku, wohowww. Pembelajaran yang gak bisa di dapat di sekolah atau kuliah.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

gak usah di pikirin, coba gini aja.

heyoo guys whatssup? it's pretty quiet here. raining all day long. i have nothing in kost-an, so i was like "God help me i'm dying. drums roll effect in my stomach, they need something to be eaten. akhh." and the fact, i just did, goler-goler di kasur, kadang gak gerak, laptop nyala seharian, playlist udah keputer berkali-kali. "please baby, stop the rain, i need food, i need sunshine. bete mampus kalo seharian bener-bener gak keluar. i'm starring at you, grey-ish sky. stop it" fortunately, it stops a while. wuhuuwww. i don't know. i miss you. padahal belom ada sehari. gila gila, sungguh pecah kebosanan hari ini saat anda mengabari "capek..." it means that you still aliveeee. lol. gak ngerti, gak ngerti. ini bisa sampe kapan ya? mau kaya jebraw sama naya di jalan jalan men yuk kakkkk. ayok Jogja!

before i go home, i wanna do travelling with you. like a girl who just turn 19, i don't know how to say it. i recently saying, malu, malu, malu.


may i write about you? i wont tell who you are in here. but i wuff you. no reasons.